Casarett & Doull's Toxicology. The Basic Science of Poisons, Seventh Edition

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Reviews of environmental contamination and toxicology

This review has examined a number of issues surrounding the use of carboxylesterase activity in environmental monitoring. It is clear that carboxylesterases are important enzymes that deserve increased study. This class of enzymes appears to have promise for employment in environmental monitoring with a number of organisms and testing scenarios, and it is appropriate for inclusion in standard monitoring assays. Given the ease of most activity assays, it is logical to report carboxylesterase activity levels as well as other esterases (e.g., acetylcholinesterase). Although it is still unclear as to whether acetylcholinesterase or carboxylesterase is the most "appropriate" biomarker, there are sufficient data to suggest that at the very least further studies should be performed with carboxylesterases. Most likely, data will show that it is optimal to measure activity for both enzymes whenever possible. Acetylcholinesterase has the distinct advantage of a clear biological func.

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the complex mix of chemical pesticides with a variety of central atoms and a large variety of substituents around them acts in different manner with the targeted living species. The mechanism of this interaction forms the basis of their toxicity. This chapter is intended to describe the chemistry of a few selected chemical classes of pesticides with the purpose of illustration of the mechanism of their interaction with the targeted living species and the impact that their usage has on the ecology including the living environment. The organochlorines, organophosphates, carbamates, pyrethroids, phenoxys, thiocarbamates, and triazines are the important 14 classes of pesticides dicussed here. They form 70% of those that have been and are still in use. The pesticide classes not discussed here include the amides, benzimidazole, benzonitrile, botanicals, dinitroanilines, phthalates, and triazoles. The characteristics of the various pesticides described here are readily available on several websites, important among them being basic guides, carsoncouncil, EXTONET and PANNA.

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