Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

Electronic Applications and Applications Filing Information


The types of filings processed by the Federal Reserve System are presented below. Select a filing type to obtain the required form and filing instructions.

Bank Holding Company (BHC) Formation/Expansion Filings

Interagency Notice of Change in Bank Control (FR 2081a)
Notice of intent to acquire a controlling interest in a bank holding company.

Stock Redemption Notice
Request to redeem equity securities.

Interagency Notice of Change in Director or Senior Executive Officer (FR 2081b)
Notice of intent by a troubled bank holding company to add an individual to the board of directors or to employ an individual as a senior executive officer.

Interagency Biographical or Financial Report (FR 2081c)
Used by individuals and filed in conjunction with other reports to provide supporting financial and employment data regarding a notice of change in control or a notice of a change in director or senior executive officer.

Savings and Loan Holding Company (SLHC) Filings

SLHC Mutual Holding Company Filings

State Member Bank Filings

International Organization Filings

Last Update: March 01, 2017
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Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

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