Instruction sets are the source codes that are written by the programmer for performing the desired operations in a PIC chip. These codes can be usually written in any of the programming languages such as C, C++, assembly languages, and so on. The instruction set commands are pre-determined for each and every function with its own command syntaxes and are executed by the PIC chip. PIC chips are normally use Reduced Instruction Set Programming that only contain 35 simple instruction sets that are much easier to learn by the programmer as compared to CISC instruction set. According to the type of instruction, the instruction sets can be classified into 5 groups. Here in this first section you can get the basics of computer programming by using various instruction sets
The instruction sets in PIC is developed by the basis of RISC structure. The instruction sets can be classified into 5 separate categories (depends on the basis of type of operation). They are
5) Other instructions (Explained along with Program Flow Control)